Listen up, men: A new study has found a way for you to reduce your chances of having a heart attack by a whopping 86 percent. All you have to do is exercise regularly, eat lots of veggies, not smoke, barely drink, and watch your waistline. So why isn’t everybody doing it?
“That is the basic question that health psychologists have been examining for the past 30 to 40 years,” James Maddux, a psychology professor at George Mason University and senior scholar at its Center for the
Advancement of Well-Being, told Yahoo Health. “And the short, simple answer is this: Just about everything we do that’s unhealthy in the long run — including eating, drinking alcohol, and not moving our bodies — feels good in the short run. And everything that’s good for us — exercising, eating less pasta and bread, not smoking if someone’s a smoker — takes effort, and that can be unpleasant. That is the basic problem.
Source: Yahoo
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